
Showing posts from October, 2017

Suspected misconduct in public office by senior judges in the Gina Miller case

The purpose of this post is to make publicly available the text of three letters I have sent recently respectively to The Metropolitan Police Service Lady Hale, President of the United Kingdom Supreme Court jointly to the Justice Committee of the House of Commons and the Constitution Committee of the House of Lords regarding evidence which suggests to me that fourteen senior judges got their judgements spectacularly wrong in the Gina Miller case which attracted so much attention a few months ago. The text of the three letters may be read here: MIPO It wouldn't surprise me if members of the public found it difficult to give house room to such serious allegations. All I can say is that the letters are the result of many hours of analysis of the documents relating to the consideration of the Gina Miller case by the Divisional Court and by the United Kingdom Supreme Court. If you spend the time studying the evidence you'll find it difficult to avoid the conclusion